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  • Tell me about MSPD's historic collaboration with Netflix?

    The Media Scoring and Production (MSPD) Program at the Frost School of Music has established an exciting and innovative collaboration with Netflix. This partnership is a significant aspect of the curriculum, offering unique opportunities for students.

    Here are some key highlights of this collaboration:

    • Educational Initiative with Netflix: The program has initiated an educational partnership with Netflix, a first of its kind in comparison to other aspirational peer institutions. This partnership provides an exceptional learning experience for students.
    • Access to Current Show Assets: As part of this collaboration, students in the Program are provided with current show assets from popular Netflix films and shows. These assets include sound, dialogue, music, and video materials.
    • Real-World Post-Production Experience: The access to these materials allows students to improve their craft in post-production workflows. This experience is particularly valuable as it mirrors real-world scenarios that they are likely to encounter in their professional careers.
    • Enhancement of Writing Skills: Working with these assets also enables students to raise the quality and level of their writing, especially in relation to moving pictures. This is a rare opportunity for students to engage with current intellectual properties and high-quality sound or dialogue tracks before entering the field professionally.
    • Benefit for Scoring Students: For students specifically interested in scoring, this collaboration provides a significant advantage. They get the opportunity to work on materials from well-known productions like "Stranger Things," "One Piece," or "Red Notice," which is typically an opportunity only available to composers once they are hired for a job.

    This collaboration between the MSPD Program and Netflix is an excellent example of the program's commitment to providing real-world experiences and preparing students for success in the dynamic field of media scoring and production.

  • Tell me about MSPD's collaboration with the Mancini Institute.

    The MSPD's Program at the Frost School of Music has established a significant working relationship with the Henry Mancini Institute. This collaboration is particularly beneficial for students interested in film scoring and offers them practical, real-world experience.

    Here are the key aspects of this collaboration:

    • Orchestral Sessions: In the second semester of their film scoring studies, students are given the opportunity to have three sessions with the orchestra from the Henry Mancini Institute. This is a rare and valuable chance for hands-on experience with a professional orchestra.
    • Student Involvement: During these sessions, students are deeply involved in the entire process. They are responsible for creating the score, preparing the session, and organizing the parts. This involvement gives them a comprehensive understanding of the workflow in professional scoring sessions.
    • Conducting Experience: Students also gain experience in conducting. They prepare and conduct the orchestra players for each of the three sessions. This not only enhances their conducting skills but also gives them a taste of leadership in a musical setting.
    • Portfolio Development: These sessions are instrumental in helping students develop a top-tier scoring portfolio. The experience of working with a professional orchestra and the quality of work they produce during these sessions significantly contribute to building a strong portfolio.
    • Unmatched Learning Opportunity: The collaboration provides an educational experience that is hard to find in other institutions. It allows students to work at a level of professionalism and quality that is usually only accessible to established composers.

    This partnership with the Henry Mancini Institute is a clear indication of the Program's commitment to providing practical, hands-on experiences that prepare students for successful careers in media scoring and production. It exemplifies the program's innovative approach to education, blending real-world experiences with academic learning.

  • What kind of student is MSPD designed for?

    The Media Scoring and Production (MSP) Program at the Frost School of Music seeks to attract a specific type of student, characterized by a unique set of qualities and attributes that align with the program's innovative and dynamic nature.

    Here's an overview:

    • Open-Minded and Entrepreneurial Spirit: MSPD looks for students who are very open-minded and possess an entrepreneurial mindset. This quality is crucial in an industry that is constantly evolving and requires a proactive approach to career development.
    • Balance of Confidence and Self-Doubt: The program values students who maintain a good balance of self-confidence and self-doubt. This balance is often seen as a natural aspect of youth and is important for growth and learning in a creative field.
    • Adaptability to Change: Given the ever-changing nature of the media industry, students who are open to change and can adapt to shifting trends and technologies are highly valued in the MSP Program.
    • Creative Use of Technology: Nowadays, applicants to the MSPD Program are often skilled in working with digital tools and create mostly on their laptops. This shift towards virtual creation is a significant aspect of the modern music industry, and the program seeks students who are proficient in this area.
    • Collaborative Approach: The program encourages students to collaborate with peers from other schools and colleges, such as filmmakers from the school of communication. Thus, students who are willing to engage in cross-disciplinary collaboration are ideal candidates.
    • Willingness to Engage with Professionals: MSPD provides opportunities for students to interact with professional guests, like orchestrators, composers, songwriters, and producers. Students who are eager to learn from and be critiqued by these professionals will benefit greatly from the program.
    • Interest in Diverse Musical Areas: The MSPD Program encourages students to explore their diverse interests. Whether it's classical music, jazz, film courses, or other areas, the program supports students who wish to expand their knowledge and skills across various domains.

    In summary, the MSPD Program is looking for students who are not only talented and skilled in music production and scoring but who are also adaptable, collaborative, open-minded, and eager to engage in a learning process that prepares them for the realities of the modern media industry.

  • What Makes MSPD Unique?

    Beyond its historic collaboration with Netflix and the Mancini Institute, the Media Scoring and Production (MSPD) Program at the Frost School of Music distinguishes itself through several unique features that set it apart from other similar programs. These distinctive aspects contribute to its reputation as a leading institution in the field of media, music scoring and production:

    • Unique Approach to Learning: The MSPD Program adopts a unique educational approach, blending traditional academic models with innovative methods. This includes a hybrid classroom environment that encourages peer-to-peer discussion and engagement, a significant departure from conventional classroom lectures.
    • Iterative Learning Process: The program emphasizes an iterative process of draft, review, and revision, encouraging students to embrace both successes and failures. This approach is designed to combat the issue of self-doubt common among creative individuals, thereby enhancing both productivity and the quality of student work.
    • Diversity and Global Perspective: The MSPD Program prides itself on attracting students from all over the world, boasting a diverse student body with varied interests, tastes, goals, and cultures. This diversity enriches the community and enhances collaborative creative skills, preparing students for a globalized media industry.
    • Flexibility in Curriculum: The program offers increased elective credits, allowing students to take courses outside their major with respective faculty permission. This flexibility enables students to explore areas like classical music, jazz, or film at the cinema school, fostering a well-rounded educational experience.
    • Active and Successful Alumni: The program has a strong network of active and successful alumni who have benefited from its unique course of study. Their experiences and achievements attest to the tangible benefits and rewarding experiences provided by the MSP Program.
    • Focus on Industry Relevance: The curriculum is designed to be flexible and adjust to rapid changes in the fast-paced media industry. This ensures that the education students receive remains relevant and up-to-date with current industry standards and practices.
    • Practical Experience: The program incorporates career-oriented arranging and production projects using various professional tools and settings. This practical approach furnishes students with real-world experience in a variety of professional situations.
    • Comprehensive Educational Objectives: Upon graduation, students will have developed a wide range of skills, including composing, arranging, recording, producing in various media and musical genres, competency in traditional and virtual orchestration, and the ability to adapt their skills to the evolving commercial music industry.

    These characteristics combine to create a unique and dynamic educational experience at the MSPD Program, making it an exceptional choice for students aspiring to careers in media scoring and production.
